Sunday, January 15, 2006

New Age Practices in the Church?

I just read an interesting book review over on the A-Team's Blog about a new book entitled Running Against the Wind by Brian Flynn. Flynn describes his life as an anti-Christian, first looking for hope in sex, drugs and rock 'n roll and later looking for it in Nirvana, meditation, and conferring with the spirits. When he met Jesus Christ, he found the Truth and he found his Hope. Next Flynn goes into his journey as a Christian, and his surprising encounters with New Age beliefs INSIDE the church. He says that New Age practices have slipped into the church, mostly without us being aware of them.
This subject fascinates me as I often wonder how much of our culture affects our Christian Worldview. In my own life, I have discovered so many ways of thinking that seemed unquestionable until I found scripture saying the opposite (my version of feminism, for example).
It is very hard to lift our heads up above our culture to really analyze what parts of our current lifestyles are biblical and which parts need to be thrown out.
I will be getting ahold of this book soon. It will be exciting to challenge another area of thinking and hold up common practices to scripture.

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