Sunday, December 04, 2005

A Reversal of Heart

Last month's issue of TEACH Magazine arrived on the perfect day -- I was second-guessing my husband's upcoming vasectomy-reversal.

The issue's main article was entitled, "I Wish We'd Had More!" The author, a mother of about 6, if I remember correctly, mentioned that the Number One thing she heard from folks when she was out and about with her children (after "Are they all YOURS?") was, "Oh, I wish we'd had more." -- spoken with a wistful sigh.

The fact of the matter is, I don't think any of us will look back and think we had one too many children, will we? But I wonder how many of us will wistfully look back and say, "I wish we'd had more."

I had been thinking it was too late for us. Hubby had a vasectomy three years ago, with our age-old plan of adopting in the near-future. When my hubby said he didn't think he could go through with adoption at this time (I do still hope God allows this for us someday), I thought we were "done." Funny how when you are sure something is impossible, you have the freedom to re-think your paradigm. Suddenly Hubby and I were looking into the lives of other families who "trusted the Lord for their birth control," and what we saw made sense. We were actually missing the fact that baby-making was no longer a mysterious part -- even if its something we were trying often to avoid -- of love-making. We wondered why we thought it was okay to permanently dismantle the fertility we had been given -- how had we missed the beauty of this gift and given it away in a few snips (and just so we could enjoy the marriage bed with no strings attached -- no new blessings for us, please). The benefits of large families suddenly began to appeal to us. It was too late for us to put these ideas into practice -- too bad we'd already had that vasectomy done!

No serious thought was given to a vasectomy-reversal (do you know how much they cost??), until I stumbled onto the site of a surgeon in Texas who does 'em as a MINISTRY, at a much cheaper rate than most. We prayed and sought the Lord, and after an Christian Entrepreneurial Conference, Hubby came home saying, "Let's do it!" His big worry had been spending the money, and God reminded him at this conference that money is just not a big deal, nothing to hold on to so tightly! (Sound like a good conference? You should come with us next year!)

The very day that I was to call for the reversal appointment, hubby's work offered to send him on a business trip to Texas -- meaning a free flight to the very Texas airport WHERE the reversal was to take place during the very week WHEN the reversal was to take place!

Fast-forward to a week before the reversal, where I was freaking out again. And not just for the worry of hubby's surgery and the worry of spending the money, but for my own selfish reasons. If we had another child "the natural way," there would be "too much space" between our now youngest and the next. I'd struggle even more with weight gain/weight loss. I might feel sick and tired. I wouldn't be able to drink diet soda. I'd have to go through the whole "no sleep" thing again, not to mention grinding up baby food, changing diapers, and potty training. I'd have to do that whole labor and delivery thing again -- eek!! My parents and friends would think we were crazy.

The article in TEACH magazine reminded me that the chance to participate in the creation of another human being is worth all of that, and then some. It laid out the many blessings one could receive by having another child, and I felt encouraged!

If its up for debate for you, check out all the scripture verses on children being blessings (Are there any other blessings we ask God to hold back on?), consider the impact we could have on our culture with a little exponential discipleship (some time I'll write a post workin' the numbers for ya), and have a look at these articles:

10 compelling reasons to have another child

Why Do You Have So Many Children?

For us, we don't know what the future holds. Statistics show only a 50% chance of pregnancy after vasectomy reversal. For the first time in our marriage, we are content to breathe-easy and wait and see what happens. May the Lord's will be done!


The Mom said...

I like your blog! I'm a homeschool graduate and the oldest in a large (7 kids) family so I agree with your thoughts on children and homeschooling a lot. I now have 2 small children and plan to start homeschooling as soon as my oldest is old enough. Actually, there's already times when we "do school" and he's not even 2 yet.

Just wanted to say I stopped by your blog while blog surfing and was glad to finally find a blog worth reading! You have great words. Keep it up.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure exactly when your original e-mail was posted, but I am compelled to reply to you! Just three days ago, my husband had his vas-reversal at the same Doctor where your husband had his -in Texas. WOW - what an amazing doctor and staff team. I'm just curious how you are doing and what your experience was like. Ours was (aside from the expected 'pain' hubby had had) was AMAZING! GOD is so incredible. My husband is 10 years post original vasectomy, but during the procedure, they saw 'sperm parts and encouraging mobility of them', we are desperately trying to BE ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING, we are remembering that the last words the doctor said to us as we walked out after the post-op check up was "WE ARE NOT IN CONTROL! THE REST IS IN GOD'S HANDS!!!"
What's your follow up?
Bountifull blessings to YOU -
fROM -
Curious and hopeful in California,
Sherri at