Friday, July 08, 2005

Courtship Questions for Christian

I have been cleaning out my old "journals" (if you can call random bits of paper stuck into books, folders, and notebooks, "journals!") and came across this gem!
Last Christmas, Kathy (visiting from East Africa) and I found an Application to Court My Daughter on the internet. As we were laughing out loud at the notion, my then-6-year-old son began to answer the questions out loud, causing fits of laughter!
And after thinking on it, I realized that we do want to raise our boys to be of the caliber that can stand up to a gal's daddy asking such questions of him! I think I'll ask some of these questions once every year or so and keep note of how the boys (hopefully!) mature.
We only asked him a portion the age-appropriate questions...his answers are in italics below.


Would you say you love God? Why?
Yes! Because, actually, He made me!

If you love God, how would you say your love manifests itself?
If someone heard me singing a God-Song, they would know I love Him.

If you were by yourself and were being assaulted for your faith in Christ, how would you respond?
I wouldn't hurt him. I would say, "God, can you hit him in the head and stop him from hurting me?"

If you were asked by someone how they could be saved, what would you tell them?
If they fell off a mountain and stopped in the middle of the air, they would be "saved." You can be saved from hell by No. 1: By asking God in your heart, and No. 2: By going to church. Oh, wait, you really don't have to go to church.

If you died and faced Christ, and he asked you why he should let you into heaven, what would you say?
God should let me into heaven because I asked Jesus in my heart -- and because I'm dead.

Next to the Bible, what are your favorite books?
The Bible is my favorite God-Book. Geronimo Stilton is my favorite other book!

Who are your favorite teachers and why?
My mom! She is my favorite because she homeschools me.

What role does psychology have in relationship with the Bible?
What's that?

Do you want to have children? How many are you hoping for?
I really wish for a big number of kids, but that's not going to happen. I'd like 12.

If you enjoyed a certain kind of music, and discovered that it was a stumbling block to your wife, what would you do?
I would make her leave the room so I could listen to it.

What types of entertainment do you watch? ie: TV, movies, videos, etc.
I like to play Super Monkey Ball II, Star Wars, Mario Party 5.

How do you determine what entertainment is acceptable for you as a Christian and what is not?
I know if God wants me to watch if its a bad song, I'll quit it. Or if it has bad words, it's bad.

How do you express anger, and what sets you off?
When Micah messed up our game, I was mad. I didn't throw a fit. I said, "I'm mad."

What would you do if your wife became upset and began beating on your chest?
I would... (thoughtful pause) push her back and kick her off of me.

How does your pride manifest itself?
When Micah buys my favorite toy that I really want to keep, my pride shows. If he says, "No, you can't play with it," I say, "I'm gonna take it from you."

Where would you like to live? ie: city, state, topical region, etc.
I want to live in Singapore because they have lots of math books.

What dream for yourself would you like to be fulfilled 20 years from now?
By age 26? Get married? That's not a dream, it's a nightmare. Ha! Ha! Ha! When I'm 26 I would like to own a store named, Wal Toys.

What is your most outrageous dream for the future?
I would like to sky-glide!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

If you were by yourself and were being assaulted for your faith in Christ, how would you respond?
I wouldn't hurt him. I would say, "God, can you hit him in the head and stop him from hurting me?"

If you enjoyed a certain kind of music, and discovered that it was a stumbling block to your wife, what would you do?
I would make her leave the room so I could listen to it.

What would you do if your wife became upset and began beating on your chest?
I would... (thoughtful pause) push her back and kick her off of me.

Where would you like to live? ie: city, state, topical region, etc.
I want to live in Singapore because they have lots of math books.

These are SO FUNNY! I read them and am glad no one is around, cuz I would have gotten some funny looks for laughing so hard. Aww...cute kids.

I still haven't touched my blog!! Someday, someday.