Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Getting Personal


I wonder, if you came across the following ad in your local newspaper, how would you respond?

Younger Woman Seeks Older Woman -- for friendship,
discipleship, and real-life mentoring.
This Older woman must be willing to teach a younger woman,
through friendship and example: how to love her husband
and children, how to be sensible, pure, kind, focused on her
home-ministry, and submissive to her own husband.
Qualified candidate will demonstrate an overall reverence
in her day-to-day living, being not inclined toward gossip or
The particulars of her own husband-loving, child-raising, and
personal character development are not nearly as important
as her heart of dedication to the Lord and her family.
Please apply soon with any eager-to-learn Younger Woman, found in abundance at local churches and neighborhoods.

Believe it or not, this personal ad can be found in any Holy Bible, Titus 2:3-5!
Young women are desperate for spiritual mothers and older sisters. We are desperate to hear the counter-culture message that our ministry occurs best in and through our homes, and that loving our husbands and children is a high calling. Older women, come out of hiding, out of busyness, out of over-working, out of too much churchwork -- and hear our cries! Your friendship and leadership is much coveted.

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